SWGOH > Banner > July Character: Anakin

Banner for this month’s daily login character: Jedi Knight Anakin.

I was sort of hoping for a new character, since some people might already have Anakin maxed out as he has been available for a long time (since the start of the game?). I guess since they reworked his character the want to provide a chance for people to get him more easily. Since I do not really have other characters that work well with Anakin, I’ll be waiting on trying to level him up.


SWGOH > Banner > Omega weekend returns

Banner for Omega event.

Apparently people complained about the Force Champion Kit Fisto event, so it was canceled and the Omega weekend event is taking its place. I attempted to look on the forum for these complaints, but I did not really see any. The guess on the forum is that after a day they were not seeing people spend as much money on the event as previously.

I am a little disappointed by this change since I sort of liked the force champion events. Since I am already at level 80, I have been getting omega materials every day and I would rather have a couple extra character shards instead of another omega. Oh well.
